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    Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:00 am

    Mikau and Aura pass through the gate, they are standing mid-air

    "Well, this is the correct spot, let's see, where is the shop..."

    Mikau looked around, he saw it, he went off and 'flew' to the shop

    "alright, here we are, Urahara's shop"

    Mikau let Aura off his shoulders and walked into the shop

    "Alright, i need two Gigais, one for me, and one for my Vice-Captain, Aura."

    Mikau was in the shope for a good 5 minutes, when he came out he was wearing a fur jacket, and a set of psychedelic hippy pants
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:02 am

    aura giggled, seeing mikau's clothes. she stepped into the store. a few moments later she came out wearing a middle school uniform. she smiled up at mikau. "ready?" she asked.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:27 am

    Mikau looked at her uniform, he went back inside the shop and came back out in a high school uniform

    "Sorry, i felt like getting one of these instead"

    he still had the jacket, but he put it in a backpack, which he put on, he had another one and gave it to Aura

    "Alrighty then, let's go cause some trouble"
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:29 am

    aura grinned and nodded. "so, anywhere around here fun?" she asked.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:31 am

    Mikau looked around and saw some high school students walking down the street, he decided to ask them.

    "Um, Excuse me, but where is a good place for me and my girlfriend to hang out?"

    he said as he walking over to the group
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:33 am

    aura blushed a bit. she held onto mikau's arm. she watched the group, unsure of who they were.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:36 am

    After talking to the group for a while, and getting stares about Aura looking much younger than him, They found out that there were a few restaurants in downtown Karakura

    Mikau thanked the group and him and Aura walked off

    "School just let out, they're all in their uniforms as well..."

    Mikau looked at his own uniform, it was exactly the same as the group's

    "Well, that went better than expected"

    He looked at Aura and smiled

    "Then to downtown karakura it is"

    he said putting her on his shoulders and running
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:57 am

    aura remained silent as mikau spoke with the group. she rode on his shoulders as he ran. "sounds fun." she said, smiling.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:00 pm

    Mikau and Aura reached the Resturant, Mikau walked inside and got a table for two

    He pulled Aura's chair out and sat on the other side

    "From what they said, this a nice place to eat when you first visit Karakura Town"

    Mikau smiled, suddenly his Soul Phone began to beep
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:08 pm

    aura smiled at mikau. she sighed as she heard the beeping. "they need you already?" she asked, sighing.

    a waitress walked up to thier table. "what can i get for you and your sister, sir?" she asked smiling.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:14 pm

    Mikau got a little angry when he heard that

    "*sigh* she's my girlfriend ma'am, i'm a freshman, and she's in 8th grade..."

    Mikau was good at Lying, and this proved it

    "And sorry Aura, but there's a you know what here....."

    he was referring to an Adjuchas class hollow, to which he jumped out of his Gigai and told it to behave itself

    "Can do boss"

    said the Gigai as he ordered a soda
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:18 pm

    aura sighed. she popped a piece of soul candy in her mouth and ran after mikau. "where is it?" she asked him.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:31 pm

    Mikau saw Aura running with her

    "It was in south-east Karakura town from the report i was sent"

    Mikau leaped onto one of the buildings, he remembered something about that location....

    "What is it that i'm so...."

    Mikau went into a blank stare then turned back to Aura, he had the most serious look on his face

    "That's where I sent AI on her mission, we gotta hurry...."

    Mikau grabbed Aura and Shunpo'd all the way to the location, he saw AI fighting the Hollow


    Mikau drew his sword
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:20 pm

    "hm? mikau, mommy?" ai asked, surprised. one of the hollows pounded her face in while she was distracted.

    "ai!" aura yelled, slashing at the hollow that hit ai.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:23 pm

    "Damn Adjuchas"

    Mikau put his sword in front of him

    "Spin your web, Kumomoau"

    Mikau's Zanpakto released

    "Now, let's go"

    Mikau slashed at the Adjuchas' arms, cutting it off

    "Damn it, that hurt you damn Shinigami"

    The adjuchas aimed to hit mikau, missing him

    "Stab, Fang"

    Mikau stabbed the Adjuchas' body, and shunpo'd away with AI

    "Aura you take care of the rest, i've done my part"
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:27 pm

    aura nodded. she slahed continuosy at the hollow. she got hit occasionaly. "shoe yourself, sumaki!" she caled, activating her shikai. "strike" she caled as the air stabbed the hollow. she slashed wildly at it again.

    ai looked up at mikau "hm?" she asked.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:28 pm

    "Good, you're okay"

    Said Mikau setting AI down

    "Listen AI, let's watch your mother fight this hollow, shall we..."

    Mikau smiled as he sat down, watching Aura fight the Hollow
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:32 pm

    "how'd you know.. i needed help?" ai asked slowly.

    aura slashed at the hollows mask, but it blasted her with cero. she was breathing heavily. "die" she screamed. "strike!"
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:39 pm

    "I didn't until i got a beep on my soul phone"

    Mikau stood up and shunpo'd over to the Adjuchas

    What the hell are you doing here again?

    Mikau sneered

    "You really haven't felt the effects yet? Wow you're one tough son of a bitch..."

    the hollow charged a cero, and fired it directly at Mikau

    Damn it, and you were starting to get a little interesting

    The hollow looked at the dust as it cleared, noticing Mikau was safe

    "Well, looks like you finally get it don't you?"

    Mikau laughed and poked the leg and arms for the hollow, which toppled over

    "You see, when i stabbed you, i put a poison in your body which is slowly dissolving your insides"

    Mikau showed the blade to the Adjuchas, poison was dripping off the end

    "And now, the poison has already taken effect, and so you fell down so easily"

    Mikau smiled and walked away

    "Aura, time to finish him"
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:41 pm

    aura nodded, running toward the hollow. she leapt up and stbbed the hollow in it's mask. "is she ok?" she asked mikau.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:43 pm

    Mikau simply nodded and went back to AI

    "You're fine, right AI?"

    he asked her
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:45 pm

    "could be worse." ai relpied.

    aura hugged ai tightly.

    "ungh... easy, mommy."
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:50 pm

    Mikau smiled as he watched the hollow

    Damn you shinigami

    Said the hollow

    "Hmm, that voice, i only now just realized it"

    Mikau shunpo'd over to the Hollow, when he did the hollow removed it's mask

    Now you'll see what you get for attacking me, The great hollow, Zellon Onikino...

    Mikau was in shock, he fell over and sheathed his sword, the mask fell to the ground, and the arrancar appeared, he was already cloaked in his white hakama

    Well, well well, if it isn't my little idiot of a brother, i almost didn't recognize you without the crying on your face

    Zellon laughed

    "Damn it"

    Was all Mikau could say, for he was in shock
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Aura Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:54 pm

    aura looked over at mikau. "eh, an arrancar?" she asked.

    ai held out her hands to the arrancar, so did aura. "Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens." they chanted in unison. "kido number 66, sōren sōkatsui." they both fired at the arrancar.
    Mikau Onikino
    Mikau Onikino
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    Mikau and Aura's Day out Empty Re: Mikau and Aura's Day out

    Post by Mikau Onikino Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:00 pm

    Both of the attacks moved right past Mikau and hit Zellon, Mikau was still in shock

    "What the hell happened, to him?"

    Mikau just stood there, Zellon got up

    "Well well well brother, why are you just standing there, are you waiting for me to kill you, then i shall gladly grant your wish"

    Zellon took out a wakizashi and looked at Mikau

    "Well, looks like...

    He sonido'd in front of Mikau, and stabbed him through the stomach, Mikau didn't flinch

    "...This is the end my foolish little brother"

    Zellon Laughed Evilly, He then kicked Mikau off the Wakizashi and Threw him on the ground,

    "Weak as a new born"

    Zellon walked off, his body was regenerating from the two kido spells

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