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    Zanpakuto Information Center


    Posts : 75
    Points : 1354
    Join date : 2009-11-11

    Zanpakuto Information Center Empty Zanpakuto Information Center

    Post by Ryuu Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:41 pm

    *Within the 11th HQ there is a large room lined with sword racks. In the center of the room is a large metal box, containing the registered zanpakutos of the 11th division members. All new members must complete a Zanpakuto form in order to register your blade as an offical 11th division fighting tool.*

    Sealed Form

    Weapon Name:
    Weapon Type:

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description: (Give detailed description)


    Release Command:
    Release Appearance:

    Passive abilities: Skills that work from the moment of release and do not require activating; limited to two only.

    1.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    Active abilities: Basically what kind of attacks your shikai possesses.

    Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(What you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (Be descriptive in this; I.E: # of posts before it wanes)

    Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(What you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)

    Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(What you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)

    Bankai: (4th Seat and above)

    Final Release Name:
    Bankai Appearance:
    Passive Abilities: [In addition to your shikai; simply add 2 more]

    1.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    Main Abilities:

    Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Ability Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Ability Downside/weakness:

    2. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Ability Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Ability Downside/weakness:

    Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Ability Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Ability Downside/weakness:

    Posts : 75
    Points : 1354
    Join date : 2009-11-11

    Zanpakuto Information Center Empty Re: Zanpakuto Information Center

    Post by Ryuu Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:11 pm

    Sealed Form

    Weapon Name: Sterben [Death]
    Weapon Type: Scythe
    Appearance: a large scythe that he keeps on his back
    Element: darkness

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description: Sterben is described by Sora as a man shrouded in mystery. He is dressed in nothing but black and has gray colored eyes. His face is hidden by the hood he is always wearing and he is seen floating on his scythe. He is believed to be a human grim reaper.


    Release Command: Kill, Sterben
    Release Appearance:
    Passive abilities: Skills that work from the moment of release and do not require activating; limited to two only.

    1.(Name of ability and description of what it does)
    Schrägstrich [Slash]: He takes his left hand, and it combines with a piece of metal. It then allows him to create dark getsuga like slashes, they are completly gray though.
    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)
    Spaltung der Schmerz [Split the pain] He takes his blood and throws it in the air, the then goes towards the enemy and the enemy shares half the pain that was inflicted.
    Active abilities: Basically what kind of attacks your shikai possesses.

    Ability Name: Blood Scythe
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command: Blades of Blood [Inuyasha?]
    Ability Description: takes his blood, covers scythe with it, then it turns a blood red.
    Downside: It takes 5 posts to wear down. And the blood can be washed off but it takes about an hour to a day for it to come off.

    Ability Name: Reap
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command: Nothing
    Ability Description: Allows him to kill his enemies [hollows and arrancars only] with a touch from the bottom of his scythe
    Downside: There isn't a downside for this

    Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(What you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)

    Bankai: erleben, verbrecherisch [Relive, dark]

    Final Release Name: Relive Dark
    Bankai Appearance: Sora takes on the appearance of his spirit. He dones the long black cloak with the hood. His eyes glow a light gray and his hair is longer.
    Passive Abilities: [In addition to your shikai; simply add 2 more]

    1.(Name of ability and description of what it does)
    shadow rift: Creates a dark like portal to go wherever he wants as long as its in a 10 mile radius
    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)
    shadow sneak: Turns into an enemies shadow and can control them for about a week.

    Main Abilities:

    Ability Name: Dark Force
    Ability Name: Shadow Glare
    Ability Name: Reapers Touch
    [I don't feel like doing all the describing at the moment]

    Last edited by Ryuu on Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Squad 11
    Squad 11

    Posts : 40
    Points : 1246
    Join date : 2009-11-11
    Age : 30
    Location : no clue

    Zanpakuto Information Center Empty Re: Zanpakuto Information Center

    Post by Sorrow Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:36 pm

    Sealed Form

    Weapon Name: Caelestis Lupus (Heavenly Wolf)
    Weapon Type: Zanpakto
    Appearance:(sealed)blue and pewter katana with dragons etched into the handguard, swirling around the handle.
    Element: Shadows

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description: a black furred wolf with blood red eyes.


    Release Command:Howl, Caelestis Lupus
    Release Appearance:black and gold katana with a smaller, oval handguard, with no markings on it.

    Passive abilities: Skills that work from the moment of release and do not require activating; limited to two only.

    1. shadow step; makes it harder for anyone watching to see his movements, as they seem shadowed, or blurred.

    2. spark of adrenalin; the other people in the area begin to feel a nagging feeling something is wrong, this can sometimes send adrenalin through some.

    Active abilities: Basically what kind of attacks your shikai possesses.

    Ability Name: Wind Rage
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command:Crash!
    Ability Description:sends crimson shockwaves of energy, in the form of wind, after the opponent.( think wind scar at it's best)
    Downside: slows user down until it is over

    Ability Name: Devil Sword
    Ability Type: Defensive
    Activation Command: Disappear into the shadows, Devil Sword!
    Ability Description:fills the area with shadows for five minutes( five posts) making it impossible to see the wielder
    Downside: Makes it much harder to hit the opponent

    Ability Name: Nightmare Refuge
    Ability Type: Offensive/Defensive
    Activation Command: Howling wind and sounds in the night, let them sleep peacefully... until the monsters come.
    Ability Description:sends the opponent into a dreamlike state where their nightmares become physical, and anything that happens in this dreamlike state can actually harm them. (think gen jutsu)
    Downside: if the opponent wakes up, this attack can not be used again on them for three days.

    Bankai: (4th Seat and above)

    Final Release Name: Diabolus Lupus (Devil Wolf)
    Bankai Appearance: the sword completely disappears. his arm is covered in shadows with small crimson markings on it, on his shoulder is a small row of three spikes. his fingers becomes like reaver claws, with long black blades extending from the knuckles, and the fingertips pointed and sharp. his eyes begin to glow red, with only a catseye like black line as a pupil, nothing els around it. his teeth grow more jagged, and he gains an evil seance about him.

    Passive Abilities: [In addition to your shikai; simply add 2 more]

    1.Nightmare Shadow: takes place of spark of adrenalin. now the enemy is filled with an uncontrollable fear which they can't find the source of.

    2.Shadow Flash; the wielder's moves are now about the speed of a flash step, and still harder to see thanks to the additional shadow step still active from release.

    Main Abilities:

    Ability Name:Nightmare Creation
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Ability Command: tell me your worst nightmare, and i'll show you your death.
    Ability Description: seeks through the opponents mind to find their worst fear, then creates a horrific version of this, and it begins to attempt to kill them.
    Ability Downside/weakness: the opponent can overcome their fear, or defeat it in battle, and then this move can not be used again on them, ever.

    2. Ability Name: Icy Wind
    Ability Type: Defensive
    Ability Command: Blow, that which slows even the strongest beast
    Ability Description: the air is filled with a strong wind for a moment, and then becomes ice cold, in an attempt to slow down the opponent. if left in this kind of cold for long, the opponent can die of hypothermia. this attack does not effect the wielder at all, to the wielder it still seems just as warm as before.
    Ability Downside/weakness: the opponent can wear warm clothes, or if a fire attack is used, this attack is nulled until activated again.

    Ability Name: Zeus's Fury
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Ability Command: King of the gods, strike down this mortal who stands in my way.
    Ability Description: casts bolts of lightning from the blade with each swing.
    Ability Downside/weakness: water attacks.

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